Monday, October 12, 2009

now i'm AWAKE!

today was one of those days that will go down in the history of my life as, well, abnormal. it was a learning experience. here's what i learned:

1. when you have a paper to write you should write it.

what you shouldn't do is procrastinate until the very, very last second then decide that you're too tired then go to bed at midnight, wake up at four, drive one hour still wrapped in your blanket, get to school, take a half hour nap, then start your paper.

2. when you finish your paper just in time for breakfast you should eat a well balanced and healthy meal

you should not drink a red bull and a cup of coffee with your breakfast. if you do this there are certain side effects that may occur, including but not limited to laughing spontaneously at the color of the trees and the fact that trees do change color, dancing in circles down the avenue of the eagles in the early morning, being an abnormally obnoxiously happy morning person, not being able to stay still in class.

actually, i think that's all the really strange things that happened today...everything else was classes and work with two half hour breaks (just enough to write a blog! :)

but here are some other things for you to remember not to do:

try to read the signs on the other side of the road (i'll explain this later probably)

watch a squirrel for as long as it watches you

try to catch a chipmunk

eat the berries from the trees in the quad

can you think of anything else?

(p.s. this will show up on my facebook but i'm not visiting facebook for a bit so if you'd like to comment you are most certainly welcome to and i'd appreciate it but i won't get it for awhile :)

i spoke too soon...and i forgot some things. i have a new mission! objective: brush my teeth in every public bathroom on campus. i'm so close already! mwahaha!

also, another amazing thing that happened was at work (yeah phones!) i called a guy and he picked up and started talking to me. we ended up having a twenty minute conversation about life and theology before my boss came over and told me i should ask him for the money and end the call. lol, it was wonderful but weird (he had some interesting ideas).

(i hope this hasn't been published to facebook yet...i hope it wasn't published twice but if it was then maybe it's just extra incentive to read it! ;)