Tuesday, September 29, 2009

this was a facebook note titled "my thoughts on a fine misty morning"

so...waking up this morning and walking outside i happened to notice that all the world was grey and that it was cold (not the good kind but the kind that makes you feel a little bit sickly) and that everything was wet and that there was a fine mist all around. grumble, grumble, grumble...it's one of THOSE days. as i started my day, two thoughts began to bother me. i'll tell you what they are (because i know you're curious ;). in c.s. lewis' book that hideous strength there's a couple who says something sort of like 'we like all weather, when you're a child you like all types of weather but you learn to dislike certain types as you get older,' the second thoughts were lyrics: 'this is the day that the Lord has made, i will rejoice and be glad in it.'

mmm...yeah, if You want me to rejoice then give me a better day to do it. i guess this is the day that the Lord has made and i guess i should rejoice and be glad in it, but sometimes it's so easy to see the day as something else to trudge through or a duty/obligation or something like that. but i felt like God wanted me to rejoice in this day despite and within the weather...i didn't want to (p.s. it's a BAD idea to argue with the One who created EVERYTHING). then i realized: oh, wait, why am i discriminating against this day just because i think that the weather is bad? where did i learn that this weather is particularly bad anyway? it's very refreshing and kind of exciting because with this type of weather i don't know what's coming next. it's the weather of adventures and mysteries.

so i guess i can rejoice in this day, and in this weather. you should try it too (it's' fun)! :-)
i wrote this note this morning, i'm editing it this evening (because i'm a busy and productive college student right?). i did end up rejoicing in the day (with the Lord's help :). it was funny how good things got once i stopped focusing on what i thought was ugly in the day. i put on a hoodie, grabbed a hot chocolate, and took a walk about campus and asked God to show me just what was so good about this day. that's when i noticed the water droplets on the grass and all of the leaves (i don't know about you but to me water droplets are one of the most beautiful and entertaining things in the world :), it was gorgeous. then i realized why i associated this day with adventure and mystery...lol, the rainyness made me think (a little bit) of the fellowship of the ring when the hobbits are coming to bree and it's raining and what's more adventurous than a quest? :-)

also, i began to realize that i really liked the cold because it didn't seem like such a cold cold anymore, it seemed to be the happy fall cold that bids us all to drink hot apple cider. after that, i started to realize that the fall smell was still there despite the drizzling and that made me happy...yeah, i started to see a lot of beautiful things in the day after that, and i DID rejoice! maybe i should do this every day? ^_^

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